Villa Cimbrone: a gem on the Amalfi coast
Nature lovers

Villa Cimbrone: a gem on the Amalfi coast

Today’s motto is “Rise and shine and be romantic!”

Villa Cimbrone: a gem on the Amalfi coast

The mere sight of a marvellous landscape can be enough to evoke positive feelings. For example, when on the Amalfi Coast, it’s hard not to be overcome by a sense of serenity, deep as the infinite blue of the sky merging with the sea. Choosing a corner of a World Heritage Site is never an easy matter. But for today’s travel tip I’m taking you to Ravello to visit Villa Cimbrone, a gem on the Amalfi Coast.

Ravello: an elegant lounge overlooking the Gulf of Salerno

Perched on a rocky outcrop, Ravello enjoys an astonishing panoramic position, which makes this town seem like an elegant lounge overlooking the Gulf of Salerno. Your gaze loses itself on the horizon, embracing terraces and hamlets here and there. The most amazing platform is the so-called Infinite Terrace (‘Belvedere dell’Infinito‘) in the garden of Villa Cimbrone.

Ravello in the past

Not surprisingly, during the 19th century, the Amalfi Coast with Ravello was a popular destination of the Grand Tour alongside the traditional haunts of Florence and Rome. And so, the same panoramic terrace in Villa Cimbrone inspired artists such as Wagner and D.H. Lawrence. Later, the members of the Bloomsbury set used to meet in a neo-Gothic style loggia on this property.

The ideal place to go on a romantic holiday

If you go in Spring, you’ll smell the delicate scent of wisteria blossoms while crossing the tree-lined path. It looks like the perfect spot for a romantic holiday. Greta Garbo must have thought so too. As a plaque says: “fleeing the clamour of Hollywood, she experienced hours of secret happiness with Leopold Stokowski”.

Villa Cimbrone today

Nowadays, Villa Cimbrone is a luxury hotel that has hosted prestigious guests like Virginia Woolf and Winston Churchill. So, staying in one of its rooms is not for all budgets, but still, you can enjoy its beautiful gardens.

Watch our recommended video on Villa Ravello

(Source: Nicki Positano)

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