Vaux-le-Vicomte Castle
Art devotees Time travellers

The fabulous Vaux-le-Vicomte Castle near Paris

Today’s motto is “Rise and shine and go back in time!”

The fabulous Vaux-le-Vicomte Castle near Paris

Today we’re going to see how a night turned a man’s life upside-down. Let’s go visit the fabulous Vaux-le-Vicomte Castle near Paris. The kind of journey that I would like to propose here is not an ordinary one: it’s a trip into the past. Let’s turn back the hands of time to August 17th 1661. It’s a summer night, but for the host Nicolas Fouquet, Superintendent of Finances under Louis XIV, and his guests, it is unlike any other. In fact, this lavish soirée happens to be one to remember in the history of France. It’s time to open the gates: enter His Majesty!

A castle that resembles a royal palace

The king himself requested his minister to hold a special evening in his honour. But, what transpires here tonight will exceed his wildest expectations. Starting with the estate, which is so magnificent that even the royal palaces of that time pale in comparison. As soon as we walk inside, everything down the last detail transports us back to the elegance of the French aristocracy in the Age of Enlightenment. As a matter of fact, some years later, the Crown got its hands on hundreds of paintings, tapestries and antique furnishings in the castle.

A walk in the French gardens

Then, let’s go for a walk in the French formal gardens. With its 33 hectares, this stunning landscape consists of a succession of terraces, decked with fountains, waterfalls and flower beds. Its beauty captivated Louis XIV who entrusted his creator, André Le Nôtre, with the project of the gardens of Versailles. He combined mastery of perspective with a Baroque taste for theatricality and voilà that’s how a beautiful garden becomes an impressive natural work of art.

A night to remember at the Castle!

As the evening wears on towards the night, we see several events take place to entertain the royal court. First of all, a sumptuous candlelit dinner is accompanied by the melodies of twenty violins. After that, one of the most renowned theatrical companies performs a comedy under the direction of Molière. And last but not least, a spectacular fireworks display lights up the starry sky.

Fouquet, D’Artagnan and the man in the iron mask

Now, I know what you’re thinking. ‘A night like this… What a great success!’ Actually, even too much. Under the light of fireworks Fouquet’s power stands out to everyone, representing a serious threat to the man who has gone down in history as “the Sun King” and “Louis the Great”. As a matter of fact, only three weeks later, Fouquet was arrested by D’Artagnan, captain of the musketeers. However, the memory of the magnificence of the Château de Vaux-le-Vicomte remained with the king. That’s where the idea for the Palace of Versailles comes from.
If you’re wondering what happened to Nicolas Fouquet, I’m sure you must have heard about him. As it turns out, towards the end of his life, he was known as the man in the iron mask. But that’s another story. Until next time!

Watch our recommended video on Vaux le Vicomte Castle

(Source: Sotheby’s)

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