Porquerolles: the 'golden island' for nature lovers
Nature lovers

Porquerolles: the ‘golden island’ for nature lovers

Today’s motto is “Rise and shine and relax!”

The Golden Island of Porquerolles

What is your perfect place for a break from hectic everyday life? To me, the first image popping into my head is a small gorgeous island off the southern coast of France. So, let’s prepare to set sail towards today’s travel destination: Porquerolles. This heaven on earth is the largest and most deservedly famous of the three so-called ‘Golden Islands’ thanks to the golden reflections on the rocks at sunset. Our jumping-off point is Hyères, a French Riviera town nestled between the Mediterranean Sea and high hills. Here we get on board the shuttle boat and reach the Porquerolles marina in just over an hour.

Enjoy a walk on a floating forest!

Since cars are not allowed on the island, we can only explore it by bike or on foot! No matter which path we take, we’ll enjoy a walk through the Mediterranean vegetation with its colours and scents. Vineyards, pine groves and olive trees take over all the land that has been compared to a ‘floating forest’. The panorama is more diverse as we get to the coast. The northern side offers long white-sand beaches, whereas on the south is a series of deep creeks and steep cliffs. How not to take advantage of the crystal clear turquoise water? You can either ride a kayak or do some snorkelling or diving.

Porquerolles is the ‘golden island’ for nature lovers

During our excursion, we will also see a few windmills and the remains of some old fortresses, and visit the Saint Agathe fort. Built in the 16th century to protect the island under King Francis 1st, today it’s a perfect spot for taking amazing panoramic photos. Shortly, Porquerolles is the ‘golden island’ for nature lovers, slow travellers, and all those who are fond of outdoor activities. With its national park status, the island is a peaceful haven to go whenever you need to quiet your mind and escape from the urban hurly-burly. Unsurprisingly, this place has recently been the retreat for artists, writers and… adventurers. In fact, in 1912 a rich adventurer named Fournier bought the entire island as a wedding gift for his second wife. Lucky her! To us, mere mortals, the only option is to have a look at the pictures and daydream. Bye for now!

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