A hidden gem in Milano
Art devotees City explorers

A hidden gem in Milano

Today’s motto is “Rise and shine and go off the beaten track!”

It was a dark and stormy night…

It’s the early ’30s in Milano, and it’s a dark and stormy night. As a thick fog curtain falls on the city, a couple gets lost in an unfamiliar street on their way home. And nobody is around to help them. A night that had started well at ‘La Scala’ opera house suddenly seems to take a turn for the worst. But, good things can come out of bad situations. So, Angelo Campiglio and Gigina Necchi (these are the names of our main characters) finally see a property with a ‘For Sale’ sign on the gate, and you know what? They wanted to move to the great city of Milano, leaving behind the provincial town of Pavia. Needless to say, they ultimately buy the 1-acre land and settle here.

A hidden gem in Milano

Despite the passing of time, Villa Necchi Campiglio has not lost its sheen. It remains a hidden gem in Milano city centre, only a short distance from the ‘fashion district’ that is the luxury area par excellence. So, for those seeking out places off the beaten track, this art déco building should be on the ‘must-see’ list.
Built with an unlimited budget option by the famous architect Piero Portaluppi, the house is spread over four floors and covering an area of about 6,900 sq. ft. (640 SqM). The basement was formerly for storage. On the ground floor are the living room, the dining room, the winter garden, and even a cinema. The first-floor houses the private apartments of the family, and the attic those for the servants.

A ‘technological’ haven of peace in Milano city centre

You can really say that they were doing pretty well. And I haven’t told you everything yet, for example, how Villa Necchi Campiglio was innovative for that time, well provided as it was with lifts, dumbwaiters, intercoms, sliding armoured doors, and walled vaults. The final result is a total blend of luxury and technology!
But what I like the most about this place, I can call it a haven of peace in the city centre of Milano. It looks like a country villa with a beautiful garden, a tennis court and an outdoor heated swimming pool, one of the first in the world! I would love to have one now. For the moment we can only dream while looking at the pictures, but next time you visit Milano, take into consideration this getaway from the hustle and bustle of the city. See you next time!

Watch our recommended video on Villa Necchi Campiglio

(Source: MiBACT)

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